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Study on the implementation of meta-research and interdisciplinary collaboration in research projects


Participatory Design, Co-Creation, health care, Participatory Research, HCI, CSCW, Meta research


The research project CoCre-HIT (short for Co-Creation and Sustainable Participation in the Development of Hybrid Health IT; more info on CoCre-HIT at https://italg.wineme.uni-siegen.de/?page_id=14 and www.cocre-hit.de) aims to analyze co-creative methods in research projects as well as interdisciplinary and cross-project collaboration.

In the course of the first analyses, it has already become apparent that the participation of project partners from different projects does not always run smoothly.

For this reason, we offer topic-related project and final theses from the area of “meta-research”.



The accompanying research project CoCre-HIT researches further research projects from all over Germany regarding the use of participatory methods in health care as well as the interdisciplinary cooperation within these research projects and beyond. This research about research is called meta-research. As a project work, a literature analysis and empirical study on accompanying research projects and integrated research is conceivable. For this purpose, anonymized data and documents from the accompanying research project are made available, which allows an insight into a currently running research project. It is also conceivable to conduct interviews.

Possible questions: How do the accompanying research project and collaborative projects work together? How is trust built? Is the accompanying research project seen as an added value by the collaborative projects? Where do challenges arise? How are these overcome? What role did accompanying research projects have in the past? What is their role today?

In the case of outstanding work in project or final theses, there is the possibility to work together on a publication related to the project or final thesis and thus potentially publish a paper during the study period.



  • Interest in participatory approaches (participatory design, community-based participatory research)
  • Independent work, commitment
  • Previous experience in qualitative field research and empiricism desirable
  • Knowledge of accompanying research projects desirable


Target group

Students of the HCI, business informatics or related courses.


The scope is based on the course and format (thematic project or final theses).


According to the arrangement


Tim Weiler (M.Sc.)
 Research assistant „CoCre-HIT“

Wirtschaftsinformatik/IT for the ageing society
 University of Siegen, Fakulty III
 Kohlbettstraße 15
 57072 SiegenRoom: US-E 116 (Campus Unteres Schloss) 
 Phone: 0271 740-5516
 E-Mail: tim.weiler@uni-siegen.de