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Study on the use of playful elements in the implementation of participatory methods


Participatory Design, Co-Creation, health care, Participatory Research, HCI, CSCW, Gamification


The research project CoCre-HIT (short for Co-Creation and Sustainable Participation in the Development of Hybrid Health IT; more info on CoCre-HIT at https://italg.wineme.uni-siegen.de/?page_id=14 and www.cocre-hit.de) aims to analyze co-creative methods in research projects as well as interdisciplinary and cross-project collaboration.

In the course of the initial analyses, it has already become apparent that completely different understandings and approaches are being pursued in this regard in different research projects. However, potential co-researchers must first be enabled to actively participate in a research project and to help develop and design the IT artifact to be developed. There is also the question of how co-researchers are motivated to participate in the research project and to actually use the IT artifact in the end.

For this reason, we offer topic-related project and final theses in the area of “Gamification”.



Gamification is an approach to increase motivation, by using playful elements in non-playful contexts. This offers the potential to enhance learning and thus, for example, to enable potential co-researchers to participate in research projects. In addition, these playful elements can help elicit appropriation effects after the research project is completed. In a project work there is the possibility of a literature analysis and empirical study on gamification in health care. An interesting question could be whether gamified elements are suitable in serious contexts like health care when dealing with vulnerable groups (e.g. elderly people). Furthermore, there is the possibility of a design study in which a participation-planning game / a game-of-life with a focus on participation is designed with the current findings from the research project CoCre-HIT.



  • Interest in participatory approaches (participatory design, community-based participatory research) and gamification
  • Independent work, commitment
  • Previous experience in qualitative field research and empiricism desirable
  • Knowledge of participation and co-creation desirable
  • If applicable, previous experience in (game) design


Target group

Students of the HCI, business informatics or related courses.


The scope is based on the course and format (thematic project or final theses).


According to the arrangement


Tim Weiler (M.Sc.)
 Research assistant „CoCre-HIT“

Wirtschaftsinformatik/IT for the ageing society
 University of Siegen, Fakulty III
 Kohlbettstraße 15
 57072 SiegenRoom: US-E 116 (Campus Unteres Schloss) 
 Phone: 0271 740-5516
 E-Mail: tim.weiler@uni-siegen.de