Information and discussion event on the electronic patient record (ePA)
The electronic patient record (ePA) was launched in Germany on January 15, 2025. This means a further step towards a more digitalized healthcare system. Health data can now be stored and processed more easily, e.g. the exchange of medical documents between doctors, pharmacists, clinics and patients is made easier as documents are available digitally now. However, the introduction of the ePA is not only associated with advantages, but also with challenges, unanswered questions and concerns, e.g. regarding data protection.
In cooperation with the digital doctors’ and health center (DFGZ) in Olpe of the “Spieren & Kollegen” doctor’s office (, the chair “Information Systems, esp. IT for the Ageing Society“ therefore held an information and discussion event simultaneously on site in Olpe and Siegen on 8 January 2025. The doctor’s office “Spieren & Kollegen” invited its patients to Olpe, where experts from a medical association (KVWL) and representatives of health insurance companies gave presentations and answered questions. This was broadcast live to the University of Siegen, where interested researchers, students and citizens came together to join in the discussion online.
This was followed by a second part in Siegen. Digitization expert and member of the state parliament Julia Eisentraut (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, opened up political perspectives on the topic and then answered questions from the participants. Bernd Mäckeler from the group “Grüne Alte” in Siegen was also involved in preparing the event. Together with his colleagues and with the support of the chair, he is committed to promoting the digital skills of older adults in Siegen and the surrounding area.
From the chair sub-project A05 “The Cooperative creation of user autonomy in the context of the ageing society” of the Collaborative Research Centre “Media of Cooperation”, represented by Dennis Kirschsieper, and the sub-projects “Health & Ageing” and “Social & Inclusion” of the FUSION project, represented by Stephan Krayter, were involved in the organization and implementation of the event. Further cooperative events on the digitalization of the healthcare system are planned in order to involve citizens in research and to jointly improve medical treatment and social care in the region.